My job as a Donation Recovery Specialist at LifeCenter is to assist surgeons in the recovery of organs for transplant. I help prepare and store organs with specially formulated solutions that help keep them healthy until they are ready to be transplanted to someone.
I’m motivated by the desire to have a positive impact in people’s lives. My work with LifeCenter absolutely accomplishes that. I also find the field of organ transplantation and the work that I do very interesting. I also have intrinsic motivation from our donors- I have a deep gratitude for them. It’s amazing to know that these donors are saving the lives of others.
LifeCenter and our local transplant partners treat donors and their families with a great amount of respect and reverence. That’s because donors are at the center of everything we do. My team recognizes all donors as the truly selfless heroes that they are. We treat all of our donors and their families with the same respect that we would for our loved ones. – Ethan Fuqua