Writing to Your Donor’s Family

Guidelines for Writing

LifeCenter supports written correspondence between recipients and donor families. Many donor families and recipients have found that communicating can be healing and comforting. A thank you letter or a greeting card from a recipient may bring comfort to a donor family.

The decision to send correspondence is a very personal one, and there is no timeline. If you would like to write to your donor’s family, we encourage you to do so. All correspondence is completely anonymous and identities are kept confidential.

What may I include in my card or letter?

You may provide general, non-identifiable information, including:

Please note:  Since the religion of your donor’s family is unknown, please consider this when making religious comments.

Where do I send my card or letter?

Mail your letter to:

LifeCenter Organ Donor Network
Attn:  Family Aftercare
615 Elsinore Place, Suite 400
Cincinnati, OH 45202

You may also email a typed letter to Aftercare@lifepassiton.org.

***When mailing your correspondence, please include the following information on a separate piece of paper, to assist us with identifying your donor’s family:


LifeCenter will review your correspondence first to ensure confidentiality and will then begin the process of forwarding it.

Since your correspondence must be mailed to LifeCenter first and then forwarded, please keep in mind it may take extra time for your letter to reach your donor’s family. It may take several weeks after you’ve mailed it for your donor’s family to receive it.

It is important to understand that you may or may not receive a response. Many donor families have said that they are overwhelmed with emotion and have difficulty expressing their feelings. Others may take several months or even years before they feel comfortable writing to their loved one’s recipients.

Pictured: Family of Landon Steele – Tissue & Cornea Donor


LifeCenter’s Family Aftercare Department has created a video that speaks in more detail about the writing process. We also welcome you to download a printable PowerPoint of the presentation to be used as a resource when writing to your donor’s family.

Have questions?

For more information or to ask questions about the writing process, please contact LifeCenter’s Family Aftercare Coordinators at 513-558-5555 or by email at Aftercare@lifepassiton.org.
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