September 2024

I never really thought about organ and tissue donation. You know when you’re young you don’t think about things like that. You think, “I’m 22, I’m going to live forever.” But as you get older, your priorities change and you start thinking, “What am I giving back? How can I help others?” Families. Inclusion. Education. Society. Tradition. Access (F.I.E.S.T.A.) was created to build capacity, uplift, and advance our Hispanic community in Northern Kentucky by providing resources and much needed services.

Lack of and misinformation, mistrust, religious beliefs, and culture all contribute to a negative view of organ donation. Oh, but if people only knew that through organ and tissue donation, you could give life! It’s not just the recipients that are blessed, but the families of the recipients and the donor families as well; it’s a beautiful ripple effect.

F.I.E.S.T.A. recognizes that Hispanics’ rich cultural heritage of community, family and generosity align with the selfless decision to share life with others through the gift of organ, eye and tissue donation. Through our organization, we plan to educate and empower families to make informed decisions on important issues like organ and tissue donation. Let’s give life!

President & CEO of F.I.E.S.T.A.

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